David Koch, the host of Australia's Sunrise show, said in a radio interview yesterday that Justin Bieber is a diva bitch-in-training, because he cursed out a staff member on the show. David said, 
 “We had him on and he was a thoroughly nice bloke... really decent guy. Our floor manager was directing him to where he was about to perform and he turned around to (the floor manager) Nick and said: 'Don’t ever f*cking touch me again.' And then Bieber's sound guy... said 'don't take offense mate he tells us that all the time'."
Justin denied David's story in a series of Tweets yesterday:
family time with my mom couldnt come at a better time....i was raised to respect others and not gossip...nor answer gossip with anger. i know my friends family and fans know the person i am. hearing adults spread lies and rumors is part of the job i guess. but i all i have to say is...kill em with kindness.